Pound 4 Pound MMA

Establishment and health at 940 Brock Road #7, Pickering, ON L1W 2X9, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Pound 4 Pound MMA: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Establishment   Health  

940 Brock Road #7
Ontario L1W 2X9
Get directions

+1 905-492-7477


Opening hours

Sunday 11:00am — 04:00pm
Monday 11:00am — 10:00pm
Tuesday 11:00am — 09:00pm
Wednesday 11:00am — 10:00pm
Thursday 11:00am — 09:00pm
Friday 11:00am — 09:00pm
Saturday 10:30am — 04:00pm


5 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of Pound 4 Pound MMA

    Richard De Caires Added 2017-11-13
    Having the pleasure and privilege of sitting under the learning tree of some of the best MMA instructors and P4P Coaches has been both a humbling and truly rewarding life experience. I can say, without hesitation that the team at P4P has pushed me beyond my perceived physical and mental boundaries, and has enabled me to continually progress and hone my skills as a fighter. My intention when I started at Pound for Pound was to explore new health and fitness opportunities outside of traditional weight lifting. However, in the time I have been here, I feel I have become fully entrenched in the Mixed Martial Arts Culture thanks to the world-class instruction I receive on a daily basis. I have a great respect for this facility and the coaches who continually look to enhance my strengths, eliminate my weaknesses, and that respect is given right back to me. What began as a hobby has now become my passion. Without question, I would recommend this training facility to everyone! You will learn things about your physical and mental capabilities you never thought was possible!

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Pound 4 Pound MMA - P4P MMA